Friday, April 13, 2012

Pozole Rules

Muses are crazy.

Mine is hungry.

She pushed a plate of smoky pozole to me and said, "Escribe!" Yeah, my muse is a hot Mexican angel who loves Mexican food. And she always talks to me en Español, but demands me to write in English. I never understand her.


Guessing she would like me to write about pozole, I penned a Science Fiction short story instead. She frowned at me, and I looked the other way, saying, "Ni modo," which loosely translates to, "Couldn't help it."

She's not happy, but I am, because the angel-from-another-planet and pozole combination works wonders.

Have you ever tried pozole soup? Learn about this exquisite Mexican dish:

What's intriguing about this soup? You better try it!

Check your local authentic Mexican restaurant, and if you don't have one in your area, well, ni modo, which in this case translates to shrugging, frustration, and sighing.