Monday, October 19, 2009


It's a beautiful day in Flatto--you can see as far as the eye can reach. Flatto, as its name depicts, is the flattest city on the face of the earth; its inhabitants are proud of it, old Bobbie says, "It ain't get better than this: the oven heat summers and the frozen popsicle winters are hot and cold." You can tell he's proud as he shows a yellow-black-spotted smile (with a missing tooth, or two... make that seven).

Fall is the best time of the year at Flatto: everybody talks about the annual Fall Flatto Fair. Held once a year and for a limited time--it runs for only three months. Great gross eating contests are the highlight, where the usual winner is 'Skinny Joe.' At his mere 350 pounds, he's capable of inhaling a ton of junk food in less than ten minutes. Not only that, he's also the fastest barfer in town! He can unload a belly loaded to its full capacity in less than a minute.

One of Flatto's most distinguished inhabitants is Mr. Ran 'Loco' Chero. Mr. Chero is amazing as he plays the best 'My way' banjo version ever. The town's favorite is the tumbleweed watching contest: the best players can watch tumbleweeds for several days at a time. It's fascinating!

So many things to do! If you are planning vacations we encourage you to visit this charming little town.

Flatto... Where thumbleweeds and junk food sorround you with their luscious stuff.

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