Thursday, December 17, 2009

Language Lessons

Hello kiddos! Today we are going to show you a simple story told by four different "persons" in four different languages. Let me introduce them:

  Billy - The American guy, he's about ten, and loves dogs.
  Catalina - The cute Mexican girl. She's 18, and loves cats.
  Panny - The British dog, he has good manners and likes dog tea.
  Gatocat - He's bilingual--speaks English-cat and Spanish-Cat.

Billy: Once upon a time there was dog name Fufu,
Catalina: Había una vez un perro llamado Fufu,
Panny: Woof woof, woof --- (dogs don't name themselves, they distinguish each other by their behind odor).
Gatocat: Meow, meow, miau, miau--remember, he's bilingual.

Billy: Fufu was sad because he was going to get fixed.
Catalina: Fufu estaba triste porque le iban a cortar los blanquillos.
Panny: Woof, woof?--he barked.
Gatocat: Miau, meow!--Cats love to hear dog fixing stories.

Billy: His owner took him to the veterinarian.
Catalina: Su dueño lo llevó con el veterinario.
Panny: Woo--he can say no more. Did the cat eat his tongue?
Gatocat: MIAAAAAAAAAU, MEOW--He's getting a little bit too excited.

Billy: And he lived happily ever after.
Catalina: Y vivió muy feliz por el resto de sus días, aún y cuando se quedó sin blanquillos.
Panny: --no comment.
Gatocat: Purring--Cigarette anyone?

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